Sunday 3 May 2015

Talked about

Why do people you don't know hate on you?

Is it boredom? A lack of fulfilment in their own life that makes them seek out hurting and belittling  others or is it just plain jealousy? Maybe you have something they want?
The truth is one will never know unless you confront the individual or individual's and as that is It's going to be 50/50 you're gonna get a proper response. You're either going to get a bitter sweet bit of lip or a smack in the mouth.

The problem is we are all looking and responding to it the wrong way. We are reacting how the  'person/people' are wanting us to react and feel. It makes us feel  insecure and maybe feel like outsiders and then those 'rumors'  get around and other people join in on the judging, then you feel like a freak "like what is wrong with me?". "Why can't I fit in?". Then your 'so called' friends start feeding into the rumors and acting different to you and not wanting to hang out or talk or even go as far as to not want to be seen in public and speak to you in front of anyone.

Then all of a sudden your walking down the street and your-once-upon-a-time-friends are now hanging out with the original cultrups that started all the trouble and rumors in the first place.
Firstly before I go on those sort of friends are not worth having-they were never your friends to begin with. So, don't feel like you're suddenly all alone, What ever your age you're going to meet more people get older and have better friends than those ones. So be happy you got them out of your life :)


This is only a short blog post to start my new blog. I've never blogged before would really like to get into it. I'm hoping to talk more about this subject in coming months. Feel free to post below and let me know what you think

xoxo MidnightsDarling

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